Take Back Our SchoolS PAC

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Dear Carlisle School District parents and taxpayers:

This Thursday, the Carlisle School board will be voting to purchase the social-emotional learning (SEL) program entitled Character Strong. 

Below is a link from the announcement in the Sentinel.



We are asking parents and taxpayers to attend the Thursday school board meeting and urge the Board to vote NO on this program.


Thursday, August 17th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., Fowler Building

What is Character Strong?

Character Strong is a packaged SEL program to make it “easier” for schools to comply with the pressure to administer SEL in the schools.

This program will be integrated into every class in every grade.

SEL is an experimental program as it is used in school settings.

So your children are guinea pigs in this project.

What is wrong with social-emotional learning (SEL)?

Time spent on SEL is precious learning time taken away from students. It will be used to shape the students’ attitudes, values and beliefs without their parents’ knowledge or consent through classroom discussion prompts, lessons and student surveys.


School districts and students are being given SEL scores to ascertain their level of “competency” in various “emotional” areas.


For example, is your student empathetic enough? How will this be determined?

Are they willing to use alternate pronouns and “celebrate” LGBTQ+ ideas without judgement? 

Are they willing to be “social justice activists” to help fight “white supremacy” and atone for their “white privilege?”

SEL will be used to introduce topics covertly without parents’ knowledge or approval.

Can Carlisle School District afford to take more time away from academic learning?

If you think Carlisle School district can afford to take more time away from academic learning, here are some of the test results from the 2022 PSSA’s:


Bellaire Elementary

5th grade math scores: 83% of students NOT proficient in math


Lamberton Middle School

8th grade math scores: 73.5% NOT proficient in math


Wilson Middle School

8th grade math scores: 80.6% NOT proficient in math


(data from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education web site)

SEL and student data collection

SEL is being used to collect massive amounts of data on the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs of students and even their families.

They will be able to create personality profiles on your students based on answers they give. This will allow them to target them with personalized propaganda (through artificial intelligence programs, most likely) to increase their acceptance of and participation in the Woke agenda.

Is my student’s data private?

No one can guarantee the privacy of this data, as the data flow is complex and involves many parties. Private companies such as Character Strong are not required to comply with privacy laws that government entities are subject to.

What does SEL do?

SEL in practice forces students to constantly reflect on their feelings.

 It is creating an unhealthy focus on feelings versus actions, instead of what they need to do/learn to succeed.


SEL is used to manipulate children’s views of the world to adopt the Woke agenda: America is systemically racist and the only way to address this racism is through perpetual “social justice” activism. 

They are teaching the teachers to be social justice warriors, and also inculcate this idea into the children.

The Woke agenda also involves accepting the non-scientific idea that one can choose one’s gender and that doctors merely “guess” at the baby’s gender at birth.

It is also used to diminish the role and authority of parents and replace the traditional parental role with the school (government.)

It will be used to introduce sexual topics to students at younger and younger ages.

(See the web site StopCSE.org for more information on Comprehensive Sexuality Education.)


Please see the story below about how the Sarasota School Board recently got rid of Character Strong after parents complained. (See the link provided below.)


A parent from Texas on Facebook stated parents complained about CRT (critical race theory) content in Character Strong. As a result, the school board removed the program.


Why wait for this to happen in Carlisle?


Urge the School Board to say NO to Character Strong in Carlisle!

Plan B:

If the Board insists they are going to approve this program, the 2nd best option would to make ALL Character Strong materials (including teacher training materials and online materials) fully accessible to parents and the public. The Board should under no circumstance approve a contract that prohibits sharing training or any other materials for “proprietary” or other bogus reasons.

There must be full transparency on what is being taught in the SEL program.


Recent SEL anecdote from Cumberland Valley:

A child was doing yet another SEL survey asking how his day was going (paraphrasing) and the child is instructed to mark the questions thumbs up, sideways, or thumbs down.

Well on a particular day, the child marked the thumbs sideways and all the bells apparently went off.

The child was called to the principal’s office and the parents were called because he was not a “thumbs up.”

Apparently the kid was a little aggravated that the parent made him do his homework; thus the “thumbs sideways.”

But is had to be investigated!

We must be “thumbs up” all the time, or the thought police must investigate.


This is why our children aren’t learning!

(Note: Cumberland Valley adopted Portrait of a Graduate, another SEL pre-packaged program, and is suffering the consequences now.)

Parent Complaints Result in Sarasota School Board Dumping Character Strong:



“The Sarasota County School Board is expected to suspend its state-mandated character education program at a meeting Tuesday, calling it a "distraction" following criticism from a group of parents regarding the program's use of social and emotional learning.

Character Strong, an education program developed by a Washington-based company, fulfills the character education requirements mandated by Florida law. The program uses social and emotional learning (SEL) to teach students positive character traits and change school culture, according to Character Strong's website.

Because character education is required, the board is expected to direct Interim Superintendent Allison Foster to find an alternative program.”

CASEL admits that SEL is used to administer CRT propaganda:


Here is another recommended video explaining SEL:


Watch the video below with Dr. James Lindsay explaining how SEL is used in the classroom (37 minute mark):



If the school board adopts Character Strong on Thursday night, you should opt your children out of SEL lessons and surveys.

Contact your school district or us for more information on opting out.

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